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Bulldog Invitational

In-Person: September 14–15, 2024
Virtual: September 21-22, 2024


The Yale Mock Trial Association is delighted to host its annual Yale Mock Trial Bulldog Invitational, an invitational designed to bring together some of the nation's best high school mock trial teams and foster a better understanding of and appreciation for mock trial. Our annual Invitational features two parts.

The first part is a dynamic, two-part workshop series taught by our association, which features All-American attorneys and witnesses. Our philosophy is that perfect scores are earned by combining bold, dynamic presentation with a clear, cohesive case theory. We don't just teach teams to script a direct or cross; we share how our association crafts and delivers compelling cases. Since 2010, the Yale Mock Trial Bulldog High School Program has helped hundreds of high school students apply new techniques and succeed at the state and national level. For the past eight years, Yale Bulldog Invitational has trained students to win awards at competitions across the nation. Past Bulldog attendees have gone on to win state championships, earn commendation as attorneys and witnesses, and succeed nationally. Of the teams that competed at Bulldog in the 2019 season—our last fully in-person tournament season—four placed first in their state competitions.

The second part is a four-round tournament, where some of the top high school teams in the country have the opportunity to compete against each other. In the past, competitors have come from all corners of the nation, from New Hampshire to Arizona to Florida. Our pool of teams features numerous state champions, past Empire competitors, and multiple teams at the National High School Mock Trial Championship. 

This year's Invitational will be held online at Yale's campus and in-person. 

To register for this year's tournament, email


any questions...

Please contact the 2024–2025 Tournament Directors with any questions:

If you are interested in judging at any of our tournaments, please contact Henry Jones to receive a judge registration form:

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